10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving
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10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving

10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving
I love a good quote! It sticks me and inspires me in the difficult times. I love giving, and using my time, talents, and money to make the world a better place. I realize those are lofty goals, but I truly believe that even the very small things that we do make a difference in the lives of others. And then of course, my hope is always that people whose lives have been touched, will pick up the torch and do what they can to touch the lives of others in a positive way. So today I am sharing 10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving.
1 Anne Frank
I have always loved this quote by Anne Frank. I quote it to myself often when I am having an argument with myself on how much to give. Or when to give. Or who to give too. I have fairly uniform guidelines that I follow in my life for giving, but this quote is almost always the deciding fact for me.

10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving
2. Ronald Reagan
I often find that this quote is useful when I am thinking about credit. You know, like who gets the credit for giving or doing something. Personally, I love getting credit. LOL. Yep, most people do. But more than getting credit, I like to see that peoples basic needs are met. And because of that, I am totally willing to give up getting credit, for ensuring giving success.

Ronald Reagan
3. Winston Churchill
This is one of those quotes that you have to read over several times and let it sink in. It is really true. We are so focused sometimes on career, finances, accumulating that we forget to think about giving. Truly the best memories in my life are all surrounding blessing others, and hospitality. I love work, and I always have. In fact I love working 50 or 60 hours a week. But what I love most is making a great weekend for my family filled with friends, family, food, and memory making. Taking the time to give to others through your hospitality is and other measures is how we make a life. And, make a life worth living.

4 Mahatma Gandhi
I love the Proverb that many hands make light work. I think that works most beautiful in service. It is so amazing to see what can be done when like minded people get together to take care of the needs of someone else. My daughter recently went to a property pick up for a family from the church. It was so awesome to hear how a group of teens were able to serve a family needing property support, and have a great time doing it. Amazing memories were made, and a bond formed. Doing for others is always such a wonderful way to give, and also receive.

Quote- Gandhi
5 Aesop
This is great for when we ask ourselves, does it even matter? Does this small donation really make a difference? And can this act of service help the family. Does this Random Act of Kindness really change someone’s day. YES to all of the above. I love this quote because it always reminds me to not disqualify what I am doing because I think it is too small. Do it anyway. If we wait until we can do something huge, a grand gesture, it will more than likely never happen.

6 Albert Einstein
This is so true. My best memories, and I am sure yours are those where you are supporting, helping, loving, sharing with someone else.

7 H. Jackson Brown Jr.
So true! Right? I love how I feel when I come home from a service project. Or when I help someone at the grocery store. When I give a gift or blessing to someone in need. When I take a moment to talk with a person who is lonely. Yep, I feel so blessed.

8 Tom Brokaw
How true is this? Totally! I think that we all inherently cry out to make a difference in the lives of others. Whether it be in our family, or in those we have never met. No one wants their eulogy to include the words, “She never made anyone smile”. Or worse, “She gave nothing”. Right? We all want to make a difference in the lives of those around us, and we need to sometimes step back, evaluate our lives, and see where we need to re-calibrate so that we are making a difference.

9 Denzel Washington
This can be from simple things like smiling at a stranger, to helping someone get through college. Whatever it is, we want to inspire those around us, and even strangers to stand taller, do more, be something greater. It is not easy to inspire and lift others up, but it is truly life changing for both parties.

10 Amy Carmichael
Let this soak in for a moment. Mull it over, and then try not to cry. My heart is to love those in need. Because of this I must give. And not just money, but time, talent, hope, kindness, and so much more.

So, what are your favorite quotes on giving? What drives you to do and be more? Share in the comments below.
You can read more ideas on giving in my post 30 Random Acts of Kindness.
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10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving
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