2018- Blog Year in Review – The Stories that Touched My Heart
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2018 Blog Year in Review
The Stories that Touched my Heart
Since this is the completion of my first year of truly blogging full time, I thought it would be great to recap my favorite blog posts from the last year. I always love year in review recaps on the news, in magazines and even in conversations. It is so great to look at where we have been, as we start to plan where we will go!
2019 is quickly approaching. Before I jump on to all that will be 2019 at WhyGiveOnline.com and in my personal life, I will take a moment to reflect. I hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane with me.
I love hospitality and blessing others in ways of service. I love watching the show, The Middle. The Mom Frankie Heck always says, “You do for family”. I believe that too! And yes, sometimes it is a little comical. But, I truly believe that our lives are made better when we give to others, in and outside of our family. This post developed from that thought.
For years my children have been working on different service projects and serving those around them with fervor. I love that about them! One way that they are able to give, is by donating blood. It only takes a little bit of time, and truly can save lives.
You too can be a Hero, and donate blood.
This post was so much fun to write! I love walking down memory lane and thinking about all of the holidays past. I also included a yummy Leprechaun Munch Recipe. Funny thing, I learned how to spell Leprechaun while writing the post! LOL
Our St. Patrick’s Traditions and Why They Matter
I really love my Mom and am so fortunate to have such a wonderful mother. She is not just my Mom, but she is my friend. This post is about the Five Love Languages, and gifts I knew my Mom would love. The most wonderful part is that as she was proofreading the post, she turned around and said, “I think this Post is my Mother’s Day Gift”. I love that my Mom hears my heart through my writing.
Mother’s Day Gifts Your Mother Will Love
During May I decided to post my most personal post yet! It was really difficult to push publish on this post because it is the first post that shared such a personal piece of my heart. But, once I did hit send, I heard from so many other adoptive Mom’s who shared their stories with me. The adoption community is such a wonderful thing filled with amazing people who built their families in various ways and love them wholeheartedly.
Adoption- The Day I knew I would be a Mother
I shared a post in June that was also very touching to me. I really love my Dad and have missed him so much since he passed away. This post shares a little about his legacy.
My Dad’s Greatest Gift- A Legacy of Love
I am always focused on helping kids in need to have what is needed to be successful in life. In July I shared 3 Easy Ways to Give School Supplies to Kids In Need. This is true any time of year as most school supplies are consumables, and need to be replaced periodically.
3 Easy Ways to Give School Supplies to Kids in Need
Another post from my heart about the progress that my daughter Tori as made. She started life in a difficult situation, was in and out of Foster Care 7 times, and then finally found her forever home with me. Yep, can’t read it without tearing up.
From Foster Care to Forever Family- Tori’s Story
I also loved the story I shared about my dear friend Ruth. She has been a family friend since before I was born and means so much to me. This is another post about how one person can so profoundly impact another.
2018 Blog Year in Review
In September I wanted to focus on those little easy things that each of us can do to make the world a better place. All of those little actions have a ripple effect that changes the course of our lives.
October brought me back to an emotional post when I shared a post about the wonderful people who have been woven in and out of our lives, and who have come to stay in our Blue Bed. The last person to stay with us was my sister who stayed for 6 months. I still can’t read this post without tearing up because I miss my Sister so very much! If you have ever missed anyone you love, read this post and have a good cry with me.
If you follow me on social media or read my posts, you know that I am BFF’s with my 4-year-old granddaughter. We talk about anything and everything. In this post, I share some of my conversations with my granddaughter and why I want to be Just Like a 4-year-old.
4 Reasons Why I want to Be Just Like a 4-year-old
We are still in December, but I have already shared about my December Bucket List. Since I wrote the post and filled in my calendar I have been working towards accomplishing the items on the list. In fact, I am well towards completing them all and on schedule!
There it is! The posts that caused me tears and laughter, stress and joy! I hope you enjoyed this walk down blog memory lane! I hope that in this festive season, you take a moment to walk down your own memory lane, remembering where you have been, and thinking forward to where you are going. Wishing you the best!

2018 Blog Year in Review
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