Girl Scout Cookies- The Facts and the Flavors!
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Girl Scout Cookies!
I am pretty sure that everyone loves Girl Scout Cookies. What’s not to love! Huge Variety, Great Flavor, and the hope of an awesome future for girls! I must admit that as I begin to write this post at 6:00 AM, on a brisk cold morning of 26 degrees, I am sipping a hot cup of coffee, and munching on…you guessed it! Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints! I have been thinking about writing this post ever since my local contact posted on Facebook that her daughter would be selling Girl Scout Cookies again. Her daughter is a Sunday School student of my mother’s and has been for years. And yes, she is adorable!
Personally, I was never a Girl Scout. For some reason, my school had Campfire Girls. Because of this, I never sold Girl Scout Cookies, I sold Campfire Mints. I had always hoped to be a Girl Scout because I loved their uniforms, and thought selling the variety of cookies door to door would be so much fun!
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Girl Scout Cookies- The Facts and the Flavors
Why the Girl Scout Program Matters to me
My Mother was a Girl Scout, and her Mother was the troop leader. I love hearing the stories that my Mother would tell of their camping trips, various projects, and badge earning. My Uncle was a Boy Scout, so my Mom’s family was a complete scouting family! But the stories I loved most, were my Mom’s memories of her Mother mentoring some of the other girls in the troop. Back in the 1940s and 1950s, I don’t think that people discussed the concept of Mentoring, especially not of girls. But, then, like now, it was critical to a girl’s success.
My grandmother shared basic scouting information, camping knowledge, and sewing. Contrary to many people in that generation, my grandmother shared female health information with the girls. My Mom would keep her ears open to find out topics that girls needed to know about, and my grandmother would share them with the young teens. These were topics that were not talked about much back then, and my grandmother felt that the girls would be more successful, and better equipped to make good choices if they knew the facts.
CONFESSION TIME…I am halfway through the first row of Thin Mints!

On Row Down, One to Go!
When visiting the Girl Scouts Website you will find a wealth of information about their programs, and the various badges, activities, and focuses of the program. I loved that they have trademarked the acronym G.I.R.L. The acronym stands for Go-Getter, Innovator, Risk-Taker, and Leader. Isn’t that what we want girls to be striving toward whether their goal is to be a home-maker or the President of the United States! It is well worth the trip to their website to see how the program has evolved over the last 100 + years, and also the values that have stayed the same.
So back to the cookies. The cookie program allows the girls to learn basic business skills, sales, and organization. All of these are skills that can be transferable into almost any industry. And of course, entrepreneurship which is a highly valued skill! The Girl Scouts began selling cookies in 1917, but the girls and their mothers baked the cookies! In the 1930’s the Girl Scouts starting selling commercially baked cookies. I personally love to purchase the cookies because I know they are doing well locally. I also love to purchase items that give back, especially if they are tasty! You can read more about that in my post on Newman’ Own “Ginger O’s” Cookies here.

Glamour Shots of Girl Scout Cookies! What could be more fun!
How much money does the troop receive?
How much does each troop get per box? Per the Girls Scout’s Website, the local Council receives 65-75% of the proceeds, and the local Troop of Girls receives 10-20%. Basically, the local club will receive from 50 cents to a $1.00 for each box sold. I have heard a few grumbles about this on the internet, stating that the girls should receive the entire $5.00 price. This would not be a realistic business concept to teach girls about Retail Sales. I was involved in the retail industry for over 20 years, and would never expect to receive the entire profit from a retail sales price. There are always cost of goods, overhead, affiliations, and expenses. By keeping these concepts intact, the girls will learn so much more about business.
CONFESSION TIME…I am just about to finish the first Row!

A lovely plate of Girl Scout Cookies….Yum!
So, On to the Flavors and my thoughts on each!
As a true and longtime Cookie Connoisseur, I believe I have a valued voice in evaluating the flavors. First, I should let you know that not all flavors are available in all areas, and the cookies are sent to different areas at different times. If the time has passed in your area, I apologize as this next section will make you really hungry! But, feel free to search out a cookie salesgirl via your social media connections, as they can be shipped through the new digital platform that girls can use to sell the cookies!
First, and Foremost, I purchased the Thin Mints. And yes, I have finished the first row, and am putting the cookies in another room! The thin mints are a favorite and one of the top sellers! The thin mints are perfect for March St. Patrick’s Day recipes if you can hold on to them that long! They are also perfect after dinner mint! I also noticed that Amazon sells a cereal made by General Mills, “Girl Scouts Cereal Thin Mints”. Yum!
Cement Cookies?
My three-year-old granddaughter told me recently that she loves to eat cement cookies. I told her that cement cookies would break her teeth! She said, “No, Nana, Cement Cookies are black and round, they come in a green box from the girls, and they taste like Cement. They are so good Nana, you would love them!” It cracked me up because she was obviously talking about Thin Mint Cookies from the Girl Scouts. She is definitely a young fan!
The box states that they are “Crispy chocolate wafers dipped in a mint chocolaty coating”. What could be better! There is also a great recipe on Pinterest for Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie Truffles! I plan on making them later this week!
CONFESSION TIME…I don’t have to worry, I bought a sufficient stash to share with the family!
My youngest daughter Tori’s favorites are the Lemonades! Their package states they are “Savory slices of shortbread, with a refreshingly tangy, lemon flavored icing”. And they are! She loves to have them as an afternoon snack and is particularly fond of the lemon icing. I think they are adorable because the tops are shaped like a lemon cut in half. They are so cute and happy if that is possible with a cookie!
Next are the Caramel DeLights! Depending on which of the two national bakers baked and packaged these cookies, they will either be called Caramel DeLights or Samoa’s. Either way, they are delicious! They are a basic vanilla cookie that is then covered in caramel and yummy toasted coconut, and then of course striped with chocolaty ribbons! My favorite part of these cookies is the toasted coconut. It gives the cookies a great texture and makes the perfect cookie to crumble over ice cream!

Girl Scout Cookies- The Facts and the Flavors
Now the S’Mores!
Now on to Girl Scout S’mores! These cookies are a newer addition to the lineup and were introduced in 2017 for the cookie sales 100th anniversary! These cookies are the traditional graham cookie dipped in “crème” icing and then enrobed in a chocolaty coating. Everything is right with this cookie! I thought it would be fun to see if they tasted good warmed up. They of course do but are incredibly messy. With a traditional s’more the chocolate is on the inside. I didn’t think about the fact that the chocolaty coating on this cookie is on the outside. It was messy, but I made it through.
The Peanut Butter Sandwich is a perfect marriage of crunchy cookie and creamy filling. The box says that the two outer cookies are oatmeal, which I don’t think I had realized before. Maybe I need to slow down when eating Girl Scout Cookies! It reminded me of a traditional peanut butter sandwich cookie, but a little elevated.
Heading along on my cookie journey are the Peanut Butter Patties. Like the Thin Mints, these cookies are almost in the candy category. They are a vanilla cookie topped with peanut butter and then drenched in a chocolaty coating. They are reminiscent of a peanut butter cup sitting on a cookie!
And the Shortbreads!
Shortbread cookies come in the shape of the Girl Scout Logo which makes them all the more fun! They are as traditional as can be! On the Girl Scout’s website, you can find numerous recipes using these shortbread cookies as the base of cheesecakes which sounds scrumptious! Better pick up an extra box!
Finally, on my list, I have the Thanks-a-lot! These are shortbread cookies dressed up by being dipped in“Rich Fudge”. These cookies remind me of the stripped cookies at the grocery store, of which I am quite fond. They make a great snack cookie, and are also tasty used as pudding spoons! Seriously! I love that these cookies have the Thank You message embossed in 5 different languages!

Girl Scout Cookies
Get them before they are gone…
Since Girl Scout Cookies are only available for a limited time, on a rotating schedule throughout the country, you can find when they will be available in your area here. You will also notice that thanks to social media, you will start seeing parents, and even girls selling the cookies or sending out the link to the Girl Scout Cookie Mobile App. Yep, it’s 2018! And of course, they will be out in front of the grocery store and banks. There are also a few new Gluten Free Varieties available in some areas!
I highly suggest you purchase Girl Scout cookies. Not just because of the amazing flavors and variety, but because they develop great skills and empower girls through early entrepreneurship. I also suggest that if you have a girl interested in growing her skills, self-confidence, and learning, that you look up the clubs in your area here. As I said earlier, I was not personally a Girl Scout, but believe in the benefits of the club that I have witnessed through interactions with so many Girl Scouts over the years.
And yes, I will share!
I will, of course, be rationing out these cookies to my family as we progress over the next few months, weeks, okay, truth be told they will last a week! They are so delicious and you are doing a good thing by eating these cookies. Right?
So, which flavor is your favorite? Share in the comments below, and if you were a Girl Scout, share your favorite memory!
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