3 Reasons I Love Eating Keto
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3 Reasons I Love eating Keto
I recently went Keto with intermittent fasting. And, I, LOVE IT! There are quite a few things I love about eating Keto, but there are three things I love most about eating Keto. I thought I would share with you why I love eating Keto with intermittent fasting, as well as my new favorite snack recipe. Because of course, I love cooking!
I Love Having Fewer Choices
Fewer Choices over all- It seems counter intuitive to enjoy having fewer choices. But, as someone who has dieted or been on a “food plan” for most of my adult life, I actually enjoy that there are less foods to think about. For instance, I don’t have to think “will I have a donut at church today?” Because, you simply don’t eat sugary snacks. I also don’t have to think, should I have a roll with dinner? Because you don’t eat bread. I keep a list of foods that are “Keto” next to my food plan, as well on my phone, so that I don’t have to second guess myself.
I Love Protein
I love protein! For the most part, I really am someone that has often tried to eat a balanced diet. Maybe because I grew up in the days of food pyramids and basic requirements. So, you have to have fruits, veggies, proteins, starches/grains, and dairy. That is a lot to think about every day. With Keto, you basically are cutting out the starches category. With that, you have a lot more energy and desire to eat proteins which are my favorite anyway. Truthfully, I would crave taco meat of any type, over craving a donut. I do enjoy sweets, but if I had to give up one, I would rather stick with protein.
On another note, I found it interesting a few days into Keto when I completely lost my taste for sweets. I had a few pieces of chocolate hidden away for just in case. The first day I ate one small piece and it was yum. I wished I could have a bit more. But I didn’t. Day two, I did the same thing, and still thought I would want more. By day three, I found that the chocolate didn’t really taste good. I had one additional piece on day four, and almost spit it out….I didn’t. LOL. But, I didn’t have any more after that day. I really did not crave breads, sweets, or carbs like pasta. And, at the end of the day, I felt much more satisfied that I typically did on a regular diet.
The Final Reason I Love Keto
The final Reason that I love eating Keto is that it reduced the amount of inflammation and swelling that I typically have during the course of life. I am a cancer survivor and so I have regular edema and swelling because of removed lymph nodes. I am not a Dr., and have not researched why this occurs, so please don’t quote me on it. But for me, while on Keto I have noticed that my edema and general swelling is seriously reduced, and I feel better.
So, those are the three main reasons that I love eating Keto. One more reason, is all of the new recipes that I have tried and fully enjoyed.I realized that my favorite spiced nuts, which I make for every holiday could be easily converted to a Keto treat! I typically make spiced nuts with Pecans or another soft nut but tried making them with a mix of nuts. I used Pecans, Almonds, and Macadamia nuts. You can choose a variety of nuts, but stay away from cashews and pistachios as they have a much higher carb count. These nuts are so easy to make, and they pack a large flavor punch! So, if you are only having a small snack, your mouth will feel it, taste it, and remember it for quite a while!
Spiced Mixed Nuts
My favorite spiced nuts, perfect for Keto.
- 2 Cups Pecans
- 1 Cup Macadamia Nuts
- 2 Cups Almonds
- 1/2 Cup Butter
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1 tsp Tabasco
- 1 tsp Chili Powder
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 2 tsp Garlic Powder
Mix melted butter, nuts, and spices together and spread on a cookie sheet.
Bake in 200 degree oven for 20 minutes.
Store in refrigerator for up to a week.
As you know I want to be the best version of myself so that I have more to give to my family and community. I am really enjoying the added energy that I am gaining with this eating change, and am looking forward to continued good results. You can read about some of the changes I am working on, and how I am making those changes in my post on Self Care here.
So, have you tried Keto? If so, what is your favorite Keto snack? And what type of success have you found on the plan? I have lost 13 pounds in the first two weeks and am of course hoping to lose more!
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