30 Days of Giving Thanks
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30 Days of Giving Thanks

30 Days of Giving Thanks
It is almost time for Thanksgiving and many of us are making plans for big Dinners! I have started my annual holiday planning and am spending evenings searching through Pinterest for recipes, talking over plans with family members, and pulling out all the decorations to plan and prepare. But, I don’t want Thanksgiving just to be a day where we have a great meal and hang out as a family. I want Thanksgiving to be the culmination of a period of Thankfulness and Reflection. In addition, I want Thanksgiving to be a day where I know I have focused on what I am truly thankful for and shared that Thankfulness with the people around me.
Being thankful means that you are not only aware that you received something, but that you are choosing to acknowledge that it was a gift in your life. You could have received a friendly wave, a cash windfall, or an amazing gift. Regardless of what you received, your thankfulness is as much a benefit to you as to the recipient. Choosing to be actively thankful helps you!
How my being thankful affects others.
Sometimes, we are just what others need. WOW! We must be awesome people. Truthfully though, there are people in need of being thanked. And, some, might be so in need of being thanked, that they won’t even receive it very well. I choose to thank crabby people, angry people, cranky people. Sometimes it immediately changes their countenance, and sometimes it does not. It might be instant, or it could take a while. Sometimes it takes a rapport being built. But, it always has a positive effect.

30 Days of Giving Thanks
Choosing to be Thankful, despite everything else
I realize that you might be saying, “I don’t feel thankful right now”! Or, I totally understand. I know that sometimes, we are the person doing the thankless job. Sometimes we are in a season where it is all work, no play, and no one is saying “Thank You” to us. What I have found though is that when we choose to be thankful despite those around us being unthankful, our hearts change. Our perspective changes, and we are free to choose a season of thankfulness.
With Thankfulness in mind, I have listed 30 easy ways to spend time being Thankful and taking the time to Thank those around us. Some of the ideas on this list might seem silly to you. For instance, thank your pets? But, would you want a life without them? Or, Thank the Barista for making your coffee? Well, isn’t that their job? Of course, it is, but wouldn’t you like to be thanked just for doing your job? I would!
Remember, Thankfulness Spreads!
One thing I have found over the years is that Thankfulness spreads. When someone thanks me for something, even something very small, I find that I am then looking for someone to be Thankful to!
- Thank Your Parents for raising you.
- Thank Your Best Friend for being so amazing.
- Thank Your Sister or Brother, or both!
- Thank Your Spouse or significant other.
- Thank your Pastor.
- Thank yourself for doing something amazing, or just for doing a lot of little things.
- Thank Your kids or grandkids for being your dream come true and allowing you to love them.
- Thank Your Kid’s Teachers.
- Thank Your Boss
- Thank Your Coworker.
- Thank Your Neighbors for all the things they do.
- Thank A Blogger or writer who you enjoy reading.
- Thank the Grocery Store Clerk and Thank Your bagger too!
- Thank the Barista
- Thank a past mentor that you have had in your life.
- Thank God that you are breathing.
- Thank a Random Stranger for Smiling at you.
- Thank the worker at the drive-thru when you are rushing to get home.
- Thank the family member who does the chore that you would never want to do.
- Thank the Janitor, the cleaning people, the person who is doing the thankless job.
- Thank the person who taught you to read.
- Thank the neighbor who always plants the most beautiful spring flowers.
- Thank Your Pet for being your companion.
- Thank the customer service representative of a company you call in to.
- Thank a police person, firefighter, or other community service person.
- Thank a Sunday School Teacher.
- Thank a member of the military, or their spouse and family left behind.
- Thank the person who inspires you most!
- Thank the person at work who always supports your work.
- Thank someone from the past.

30 Days of Giving Thanks
What are some other ways to bring more thankfulness into your home?
If you have kids, make a garland of Thankfulness. Make Leaves, Acorns, Pumpkins in different fall colors. String Jute or string across an area of the home, and have family write on the shapes things they are thankful for and then hang them up with clothespins. It will also make a fun decoration for Thanksgiving.

Giving Thanks Wreath
Or Create a Wall of Thankfulness
I have a wall of thankfulness in my home year-round! A few years ago, I asked my oldest daughter, Victoria, to paint a tree on my living room wall. She did so, which was a huge blessing, and I was then able to hang loads of pictures all over the wall. Some of the pictures are very old. Some are very new. And, I realized recently that I need to add a few pictures of new additions to our family. Whenever I look at the Family Tree I am reminded of how thankful I am for the people in my life.

Giving Thanks Garland
What are Your Favorite Ideas for Giving Thanks?
So, what are your favorite ideas for sharing thankfulness? Take some time today and spread the Thankfulness! Share your ideas in the comments below.
Remember to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, and subscribe to this blog to receive additional ideas on how to give your time, talents, and money to make the world a better place. For more ideas, Read this post on Thanksgiving, Give Your Time and Talents.
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