5 Tips for an Affordable Thanksgiving
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5 Tips for an Affordable Thanksgiving

5 Tips for an Affordable Thanksgiving
Does Thanksgiving make you cringe a little? Not because you are not thankful, but rather because you don’t want to go into debt for Thanksgiving. I totally understand that feeling and have been there many times before. You want to give your family and friends an amazing holiday, all the trimmings, and make it totally memorable. But you don’t really have the funds to keep up with the Jones, or make it Pinterest Perfect?
I can’t tell you how many times I have over planned Thanksgiving, only to find ideas left over, food uneaten, or decorations never even noticed. I think we need to treat Thanksgiving, the same as Coco Channel treats accessorizing. The famous designer said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off”. I think that is what we need to do as we plan our Thanksgiving Menu, Table, Activities, and Décor. We need to make a plan and then take one thing off, or maybe two or three. Simple is really best. It is easier on you as the Hostess, and easier on the guest as well!
Go Potluck
One of the best ways to have an affordable Thanksgiving is go Potluck! I shared about it in this post, 16 tips for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving, and I really mean it! What better way to reduce cost and stress, than to invite all your guests to bring their favorite dish! You can provide the Turkey and Gravy, and one other dish, and have everyone else bring a dish. In our family I sometimes ask everyone what they would like to bring, and then fill in the rest. Sometimes I assign items, like rolls, drinks, and salads. Either way, it helps everyone to get involved, and seriously reduces your stress and cost.
Go Quality over Quantity
This might sound like the opposite, but it really is true. Instead of trying to have loads of dishes to fill up every surface and make the party look really big, have a simple high-quality Thanksgiving with fewer dishes. For instance, I would rather have one really well-crafted salad or side dish, than 10 that are not so great. Plan for one simple appetizer, instead of a table full of random appetizers. In America we often think, “Go big or go home”. I am saying, go simple, high quality, and watch your guests fall in love with your food. Find a simple, high quality recipe, and let it stand alone.
This makes sense with decorations as well. Find one really great piece that you love and cherish it year after year. Instead of purchasing loads of paper or plastic decorations that will go in the trash post-holiday. If you purchase one item ever few years over time you will build a beautiful high quality collection.
Popcorn goes a long way
In school I remember learning about the Pilgrims eating popcorn on their first Thanksgiving. When I homeschooled my kids, we learned that Pilgrims would enjoy popcorn for breakfast with dried fruit and cream. So, obviously, popcorn has been showing up on American tables for hundreds of years! That is not the reason I serve Popcorn at family meals…I serve it because it is very affordable and satisfies the appetite. A huge bowl of fresh popped popcorn costs about $4, and everyone can dig in. I mean, who does not like a fresh bowl of warm buttery popcorn?
Plus, it fills the tummy up! Having 4 kids I learned long ago that filling everyone up with a little popcorn before a family meal will seriously cut down on the cost of feeding everyone loads of protein. Put out a huge bowl of popcorn as an appetizer, and I guarantee you will see a much-reduced amount of the rest of dinner consumed.
And, if makes the house smell great! So, even if you have a house that smells like, pets, onions, or teenagers, making a big pot of popcorn fills the air with a wonderful smell, that everyone loves! It really is a win-win.

5 Tips for an Affordable Thanksgiving
Use decorations you already have
We keep all our Fall decorations in bins during the off season, and truly we don’t have all that many. We have a wooden leaf decoration that goes next to the front door, a few ceramic pumpkins and cookie jars, and leaf candles. Of course, we have a Thanksgiving tablecloth, and that makes a great addition to Thanksgiving Decorations.
A few well-placed decorations make a huge difference. A few Fall leaves here and there can add a pop of Fall color, without breaking the bank. You can also bring a burgundy or Fall colored blanket out and drape it over the couch. When I am decorating, I often go through the available decorations, and find what will work for the season. For instance, I have a large hurricane candle holder. When I put a burgundy candle in and tie a little raffia or a brown bow on it, it suddenly is a Fall decoration. Don’t allow yourself to be pressured into purchasing a load of new decorations for every holiday. Use what you have and enjoy it.
Remember what it’s all about, and don’t worry about the “Jones’s”
As I have mentioned, there is quite a bit of pressure to produce a Pinterest Perfect holiday every time. But it is not realistic. By going overboard, you may cause long term damage to your finances, and overburden your storage cabinets. And, are the “Jones’s” really that happy? I know in some cases they are, but they are not leading your life. Keep it simple, and focus on what really matters, being Thankful.
Focus your activities leading up to Thanksgiving on what you are Thankful for. As you plan your menu, focus on how Thankful you are to be able to provide this meal for your family and how much it will be enjoyed. As you decorate your house, take time to be Thankful for each decoration you have, and for every holiday that they have already seen. As you invite your guests, be Thankful that you have each of them in your life. And finally, continue to look at your menu and decoration lists, and pare down. Take off the extras that are not truly needed and simplify.
I hope that these tips will help you to have a wonderful yet simple Thanksgiving that builds additional memories into your heart. That you will focus on special, easy, and affordable, instead of quantity, difficult, and expensive. Your guests will thank you for it, and your day will be so much more peaceful. No post-Thanksgiving credit card bills, overburdened storage closets, and food and ideas in the trash bin. And of course, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with Thankfulness and Blessings.
So, what are your best ideas for having an affordable Thanksgiving? Please share in the comments below!

5 Tips for an Affordable Thanksgiving
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