You Too Can Be a Hero, and Donate Blood!
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I am always thinking of unique gifts to give my family and friends and unique gifts to ask for on my wish lists. For instance, I once gave my daughter a flock of chickens for a family in a third world country. Then, there was the time I asked for a bottle of Men’s Joop cologne for Christmas. You see, I knew of a young man in the community who had nothing. He was not going to receive any presents for Christmas and he really wanted Joop Cologne. I think holidays and birthdays are a great opportunity to make the world a better place, one gift at a time.

Info Graph Donating Blood
Donโt get me wrong, I love to receive presents for me as well! I still remember a snowglobe sweatshirt that my children bought for me when they were little. They worked hard, saved up their money, and paid $5.00 on clearance for the sweatshirt. I loved that sweatshirt! Although I donโt wear it anymore, you can find it packed away as a memory of that wonderful birthday present from my children.
Sometimes though, gifts donโt need to include anyone other than yourself, and a person you will never meet. Such is the case of my 17-year-old daughter Tori. She has been wanting to donate blood for 4 years. The idea came to her after her older sister made a donation during a blood drive on her college campus. She loved the idea of helping to save someone’s life. Tori saw the example, understood the concept, and wanted to give to those in need of a transfusion. You are not typically allowed to give blood until you are an adult, but often healthy 17-year-olds are approved with parental permission.
Why you should give blood
Why would someone want to give blood you ask? Well, it is probably not for the snacks, although most centers have a great array of juices, cookies, and candies to get you well on your way to feeling good! Maybe it is because we donโt need as much blood as we typically carry around, and minimalists just want to clean out their own blood cupboards so to speak.

You Too Can Be A Hero! Donate Blood!
My guess is that it is more than likely, just being a hero feels good. How often does the average person get referred to as a hero? Not often. The average donor will donate about 1 pint of blood, which could give life-saving blood to up to 3 people. The American Red Cross website shares that every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs blood.
It is alarming…
By purusing the American Red Cross website I learned that the blood used in an emergency is already sitting on the shelf when the emergency occurs and that it does not remain on the shelf, but dates out frequently. It is alarming to learn that a single car accident victim can need up to 100 pints. In this case, the blood from potentially 100 donors could be needed to react in an extreme situation.

Be a Hero- Donate Blood
My hope, of course, is that no one on the reading end of this blog will ever need to be on the receiving end of a transfusion. But I do hope that you will consider giving the gift of life by being a blood donor. Just think of all the iron-rich foods you can indulge in before and after as you build yourself into a blood making Hero! You can visit the American Red Cross website to find a donation center near you, or google a local center. And, if you don’t believe that this type of donation would be for you, no worries! There are many other ways to give. Check out my post here, with many ideas for giving!
My Daughter became a Hero, You can too!

Tori Giving Blood for the first time.
Tori finally made a donation this month and was so excited to be giving the gift of life to someone she will never meet! Maybe you or someone you know has needed a life-saving gift of blood donation. Why not make an appointment, go and give in their honor, and save a few lives today!
Update! Since this post in February 2018, Tori has given blood 2 more times, and convinced her brother Gabe to start giving blood as well! She recently received a notification that her blood has saved 12 lives. Hero.

Be a Hero- Donate Blood
For more information on ways to give back read my post on Random Acts of Kindness Here.
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