Challenge- 30 Days of Giving
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Challenge- 30 Days of Giving
Often when we think of giving, we focus on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Birthdays. These are all great giving holidays, but there are 365 days a year where giving opportunities await. I believe that giving needs to be more than just a response to holidays and birthdays. Giving needs to be a mindset 365 days a year. I truly believe that we should give our Time, Talents, and Money to make the world a better place and hope that you do too! Sometimes, we need a little challenge to help us start focusing on giving daily.

Challenge- 30 Days of Giving
Honestly, life sometimes gets the best of me. I love to work. After typing that I must say, it is an understatement. Regardless of what job or task I am doing, I love to put my all into it with a piercing laser focus. This is often a very good thing…but it also can leave my tribe in need. There are times that we need to step back, look at our giving life, and make a plan to give more. Not out of our need, but out of our abundance.
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You might be thinking, what abundance?
We don’t always have to give in the same way. Maybe you don’t have a lot of money this month, but you have time. Maybe you have no time, but you do have the ability to give money or skill. There are so many ways to give, and ultimately, the giver receives. I am a passionate giver in many respects, and I know that the blessings of giving often far outweigh the gift.
This month I am committing to Give for 30 days. I won’t be giving things that people don’t want like bad advice or unwanted warn out shoes. No, I will be giving a wide spectrum of “gifts” to those in the world around me, both at home and in my community. I am including a list below of more than 30 items so that you can join me in this giving journey as well! On social media, I will be using the hashtag #30DaysofGiving to document my giving.
And in case you have not guessed, I am challenging you to do the same! You can use my list or start your own! Have fun and document your 30 Days of Giving by attaching the hashtag #30DaysofGiving to your photos. This is a great project for a family or group of friends to do together. Document your Giving, and watch the momentum spread. Also, feel free to share your giving ideas on my social media platforms, or in the comments section of the blog. I am always looking for great giving ideas!
Gifts of Companionship
- Call someone to let them know that their presence on the Earth matters to you. Sure, a text, IM, or email would be so much easier. Actually calling them to say “thank you” and “you matter” is so much more meaningful.
- Sit next to someone at church. Like seriously, right next to them (no safety seat). Actually, look them in the eye during greeting time.
- Invite someone to sit at your table with you at Starbucks. How many times have you walked into a Coffee shop only to find no available tables? There are plenty of available chairs because there are only one or two people at every table. I have never had anyone say to me, come on over and work at this table. But have offered many a person an extra seat at my table.
- Like a post that matters to someone on social media. People post on Social Media because they want the world to see the post. It is a cry for positive interaction and takes a second at most.
- Invite someone to Dinner. I love to use the recipes in Pam Anderson’s books The Perfect Recipe and How to Cook without a Book. Both books give me great ideas, and simple steps to cook a perfect dinner for company!
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Gifts of Time
- Watch a favorite movie or TV Show with someone.
- Babysit a baby so that a new mother, or not so new mother can have a good rest.
- Play with your kids. Whether they are 3 or 40. Play in the yard, jump in piles of leaves, play a board game, have a game of catch. The reason these are the things of Hallmark commercials is that on some level we all want an idyllic life or at least an idyllic experience now and then. In our family, every now and then, my Grandparents or my Dad would pull out an old Croquet set. I am not sure where the game from, but it was great to spend time together playing what we thought of as a very important grown-up game.

30 Day Giving Challenge
Gifts that say “Thank You”
- Send a Thank You note with some cookies or a gift card for a book to your children’s teacher. After all, your children’s Teacher spends most of every day and often works at night as well to give your children the best possible education.
- Thank Your Boss, Employees, or Co-Workers by bringing them a box of donuts or a card.
- Think of the person in your family who does a mundane task every day, to make the life of the family better. Give them a thank you, and maybe a gift!
- Thank the Post Person, UPS Driver, or the people who pick up your trash! So many positions are automated, but these are not. Thank the person who weekly brings your mail, delivers daily from Amazon Prime, or takes up the rubbish, so you don’t have to!
- Tell your parents Thank You! Regardless of your age or theirs, it never gets old and is always welcome.
- Thank the computer tech guy at work.
Gifts That Make Someone’s Life Easier
- Give someone the right of way in traffic. Or, instead of playing chicken for a parking space, positively wave the other person into the spot.
- Or, even though you arrive at work first every single day, say thanks by leaving the best spot for someone else.
- Take the carts back to the grocery store when you are finished, or maybe even a few of them. Tip the bagger or clerk and thank them for helping you get from the line to the checkout, to your car quickly and efficiently every week.
- Drive someone where they need to go. The other day my Mom asked if I would drive her to the store as it had started to snow. I left work, drove my mother to the store….and then ran in and did her shopping while she sat in the warm car eating a snack. It made her day, and it made mine as well.
- Give your extra coats, shoes, umbrellas, and blankets to clothing drives to help those in need.
Gifts that Change a Perspective
- Let Your In-Laws know you approve of them, maybe even like them. There is a great scene where this needs to take place in the show “This is Us” (Season 2, Episode 2 if you want to watch). People want to know they belong, and that you approve.
- Listen to someone share about their Religious or Political Views. It is often difficult in today’s world where Political Correctness often gives way to posting angry diatribes on Social Media. But, there is value in sharing our religious and political beliefs with others, and there is value in listening to the values of others.
- Share the story of your family history or culture. My Mother and my oldest Son both love to share family stories. It can go on for hours but in a good way. If I ever mention a cute story from one of my children’s young lives, the others all look at me with eyes that say, “Tell a story about me Mom”. And so I usually do. Reminiscing has such incredible value. My Father Filled in a Legacy Book prior to passing away almost 20 years ago. The Legacy Book is now a cherished family heirloom filled with his stories, his life, and his sense of humor. You can read more about the lives of my children in this post about Adoption, and this post on Tori’s first 17 years.
Gifts that take care of someone
- Serve at a soup kitchen or shelter.
- Rake the neighbor’s lawn. And, don’t even tell them who did it.
- Carry around a few baggies with dry dog food, and a few boxes of granola bars. A lot of homeless people have dogs. Not just for protection, but for companionship. Have a few baggies full of dog food, and some Granola bars for the owner is a great way to give to someone and their furry friend who are in need. Plus, it is an immediate response to a real need.
- Buy a bag of groceries for someone
- Pay it forward on a bridge or coffee line
- Give someone your loyalty reward for a company you do business with.
- Pet the dog. Or the Cat. In our busy lives, I don’t always take the time to pet the dog. If you are giving, and want to see that it was received well, pet the dog. Your furry companion will be every so thankful that you did!

Our Dog Rudy
Gifts of Work
- Clean up the dishes when it is not even your job to do so.
- Help a co-worker complete a project when they are pressed against a deadline.
- Go the extra mile at work.
- Complete a tune up on someone’s car. I had a neighbor once who liked tinkering with cars. He would find out who needed a tune-up at the church and take care of it for them. Saved them money, and made them feel so very well cared for.
Gifts of Mentoring
- Show an older person how to use technology. This can make a huge difference in someone’s life!
- Share your favorite recipe.
- Teach someone a skill.
Gifts that Brighten Someone’s Day
- Put the toilet seat down…need I say more.
- Take flowers to a widow, a single person, or a parent to young kids. A bouquet of flowers brings a vitality and freshness into any home.
- Strike up a conversation with a complete stranger. I am an introvert, but when I look into someones face in public and see loneliness, I can’t help but strike up a conversation with them. I always leave feeling better myself as well!

Challenge- 30 Days of Giving
Gifts that Build Community
- Welcome a new neighbor to the community…even if it has been a few years.
- Wave at your neighbor. Seriously. As I have mentioned before, I love my neighborhood. Everyone waves at each other, even though we don’t know each other that well. It makes driving in or out of the subdivision a nice experience.
- Buy tickets to support a local fundraiser, and go take part in the festivities. There are so many charities, schools, and groups that need funding on a local level. A totally fun way to support them is to purchase tickets and go to Crab Feeds, Spaghetti Dinners, and Fashion Shows.
So there is the starter list. If you would like more ideas, check out my post on Random Acts of Kindness here. I would love to hear your ideas for the 30 Day Giving Challenge! And remember that everything you do to make the world a better place counts. Continue to give your Time, Talents, and Money because you are making a difference!
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