Easy Hospitality Ideas
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We are often so busy!
It seems that we are all very busy. I am sure many of you can understand. However, it seems like busy means something different than it did 30 years ago. Back then, people, for the most part, put their work away at the end of the day. There were no smartphones, and the internet was not yet in existence. No reading emails, texting, scrolling, or surfing. We did not know what was going on everywhere in the world unless we were reading a newspaper, or watching TV. And it was okay. And Hospitality was still around.
In general, families were involved in their house of worship, fraternal organizations, or scouting. Growing up, everyone I knew was involved in some sort of club. We often visited others homes as part of club activities, or to plan activities, or just because. You didn’t really need a reason to invite people over for a BBQ or dinner, you just invited them, and they came, and it was good.

Easy Hospitality Ideas
Our days are filled with…
Nowadays, everyone I know is so very busy and spend a considerable amount of time scrolling or socializing on social media. Families often have two working parents, and a myriad of sports, lessons, tutoring and other activities that reduce the available time for having family or friends over to socialize and build relationships. Fraternal clubs where families used to spend time socializing have seriously declining memberships and even Scouting and youth club membership is on the decline.
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People do not have friends and family over as often as they did years ago. But, we still need that connection. I am sure we can all remember back to a time when a group of friends or family go together, shared food, and had a night of great conversation or games. It creates a positive feeling that often lasts for several days. I love sitting around after a party or gathering and having what we call a “recap”. I love thinking over the yummy food, the funny thing that someone said or did, the excitement of the game, and the feeling of the time shared together. It is wonderful to be able to relive those good moments an hour, day, or months later.

Easy Hospitality Ideas
How to be hospitable
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines hospitality as “generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests”. I think it is this, and so much more! I believe it is creating the perfect space in which to grow strangers into friends, and friends into family. It is the backdrop to memories created. And it is the created moment where people who are somehow connected, become a community.
I think that an easy way of starting to be hospitable is to invite a small group of friends or family over for the evening or a weekend afternoon. It does not need to be an all-day event, just gathering a few people together.
I am the type of person that loves to work and have a job, and I am somewhat shy. When I am invited to an event, meal, party, I prefer if the host asks me to bring something. First, it makes me feel like a part of something. Second, I am less likely to skip out and not go if I am bringing an item requested by the hostess.
Ideas and tips
In our family, we have one Vegan, 3 Gluten Free, and one very picky eater. With that in mind, I always ask guests if they have any dietary restrictions or limitations. If I have a friend coming over that hates onions, I will know not to make my favorite onion dip for them. Since we have a few Gluten Free family members, I often ask them to bring the needed rolls or buns depending on the meal. That way, I know that they will have what they need, and again, it makes them feel more a part of the meal.
Depending on the number of people coming, I will assign one family to bring drinks, another to bring the bread or rolls, and someone else to bring an appetizer or dessert. It makes my job as the hostess a little easier and gives everyone a little responsibility and connection.

Easy Hospitality Ideas
Make hospitality easy on yourself
It is okay to send e-vites, as it is 2018, but really, a phone call is so much more personal. And, if you are being hospitable to bring more connection into your life, than truly, starting with a phone call would set the tone. It does not have to be a long call, just a call with the details, what you would like them to bring, and day and time.
I try to cook or bake enough so that we will be able to have leftovers the following night. There is usually additional cooking and cleaning associated with having people over, so it is nice to give myself a break the following night by simply having leftovers ready. It makes cleaning up and cooking easier the next night, and is a great way to relive the festive occasion.
I have most of my family over every other weekend for dinner. Truthfully, sometimes we have P B & J. But, most of the time we have a good meal, that everyone contributes to and participates in. In advance of the meal, I let everyone know what the afternoon or even will entail, what we will eat and when, and if we will be playing a game or other activity. Our family is very competitive, and so we often play games. It is a blast.

Easy Hospitality Ideas
Recipe Ideas
I rarely try a recipe for the first time when I am inviting company over. It is just a little too stressful. I enjoy it much more when I have a tried and true recipe that I know will be a success. Some of my favorite company recipes are those that have components that can be made ahead of time, and just finished when everyone is there and ready.
In the summer I love to serve roasted chicken, oven roasted potatoes with red peppers, and corn on the cob with a green salad. If I am BBQing the chicken then A S mores bar is the perfect ending. If I am not BBQing than an Easy Fruit Dump Cake with Ice Cream is perfect served during evening conversation.
In the Winter
In the winter I love to make Lasagna. There are so many variations and they can be easily adjusted for most dietary restrictions. I love that lasagna can be prepared a day in advance, and then heated in the oven to be served. Plus, I think that Lasagna tastes better the second day! I enjoy serving Lasagna, Roasted Broccoli, Italian Green Salad, and French Bread. I think a lemon coconut cake is the perfect ending to this meal as its light bright flavors will be a great contrast to the lasagna. All of these recipes are easy to find on Pinterest or use your own tried and true recipes to share with your guests.
If you are looking for more recipe ideas to get you started on the road to hospitality, check out my posts on building a meal train, Summer Recipes to Share, and Family Friendly Fall Meals to Share.

Easy Hospitality Ideas
Start planning today!
Finally, whatever you make, whoever you invite, or how many people you have over, get started. People need connection and community and it always starts with someone choosing to be hospitable. What are your favorite dishes to serve when you have company over? And what is your favorite company activity? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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