Human Trafficking Awareness- The Dark Side of the Super Bowl
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Human Trafficking Awareness- The Dark Side of the Super Bowl
I must admit, I grew up in a world where I didn’t know anything as horrible as Human Trafficking existed. For this, I am thankful. I am sad, that both of my daughters did not. Although human trafficking has always been around, it somehow was not talked about, and people, primarily women, and children have suffered unconscionable abuses at the hands of people willing to pay for a vice. I realize this is not my typical post, but I felt I wanted to lend a voice to organizations that are working diligently to end human trafficking.
As you read through various websites and news articles about human trafficking, you can see that there are numerous ways that women, men, and children, are stolen or lured into life within the sex industry. Surprisingly to me, I learned that some choose to stay. I read of one prostitute that said she had been in the industry for so long, she had nothing to put on a resume and feared she would be unable to find gainful employment. Others share that it is what they know. Change is scary. But still many are held against their will. It is heartbreaking.

Human Trafficking – The Dark Side of the Super Bowl
The statistics.
I came across a list of 11 Facts on Human Trafficking on DoSomething.Org. Most of the statistics were from 2014 or 2015, and they are alarming. The most startling statistic was that the average cost of a slave worldwide was $90. So, for the cost of taking the family to dinner and a movie, a person could be purchased. I don’t mean to be glib, this made me sick to my stomach. Second, there are estimated to be more than 20 million slaves worldwide. Today, in our world where freedom is so accessible. Finally, Human Trafficking is considered to be the third largest crime in the world today. This just should not be.
Yes, it happens right here in America.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 300,000 children in the US are at risk of being prostituted, and the industry brings in 9.5 Billion dollars annually. The statistics are alarming and are often only brought up during the lead- up to the Super Bowl. When large events such as the Super Bowl are coming to a town, sex traffickers bring in additional people to meet the upcoming demand. For many years there has been considerable discussion about how to stop this practice, help those held against their will, and reduce the demand for this type of crime.

Human Trafficking – The Dark Side of the Super Bowl
Organizations that are making a difference.
The Polaris Project
The Polaris Project operates the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Concerned citizens or those trapped in trafficking can call in and find guidance. The Polaris Project has many programs and a wealth of information and has been rated 4 stars by Charity Navigator, a charity rating system.
Ransomed Life
Ransomed Life. Org works to restore women who have been sexually exploited. In this program, women are counseled and offered hope through mentoring and education. It is a safe place where, those who have been violated, can be fully restored.

Human Trafficking – The Dark Side of the Super Bowl
There are many more organizations that are doing amazing work. You can read about local grassroots organizations that go into various towns preceding large events like the Super Bowl or the Olympics. They canvas the streets, hotels, restaurants, bars, and clubs handing out pamphlets and papering the streets with flyers. These organizations hope that in a moment away, those held in the bondage of slavery will be able to make a call, find someone, and get out. Or, that employees and local business people will see the signs of sex trafficking and make a call for help on behalf of the person held in slavery.
What can you do?
You might be asking yourself the same questions I asked myself. What can I do to help? I personally live in a very small rural town. There is not a lot that goes on here. I am pretty much limited to two things. Making others aware of how large the problem is, hence, this blog post. And second, I can donate to organizations that have feet on the ground, that are in areas where they can make an immediate impact in the life of someone held in slavery. So, You might not be able to write a blog post, but you can share information on social media, direct others to organizations that help, and, of course, make a donation. Well, I just thought of a third thing. We can all pray, it’s free, easy, and makes a world of difference.

Human Trafficking
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