I love Las Vegas!
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Pray for Las Vegas
I love Las Vegas. Truthfully, it is a lot of fun. I have been there many times, and made great memories, with good friends and family.
But right now, our destination for fun is suffering after a horrible terror attack. The lights, the chiming of the slot machines, the buffet food lines, all quieter and dim after an unconscionable, violent act pulled at its usually irrepressible spirit.
This is a giving blog.
You might be thinking, what does this have to do with Vegas, the complete antithesis of giving? Well, Vegas and the people there need us. They need us to give first with our prayers. The awesome thing about prayer is that it lifts up those you are praying for. And prayer also aligns your own heart with a God who loves you.
Second, Vegas charities will be overloaded with requests as real needs are realized in the wake of such an act. For instance, charities who help with funeral costs, gofundme.com pages, and travel support pages.
Finally, Mental Health Charities. We don’t really like to think about mental health issues as a society and try to sweep them under the rug at any opportunity. But, events like this are caused often by someone who missed needed mental health support, and then causes a wave of needs from those who will be grieving, confused, and overwhelmingly in need of support.
Do something good today.
Give financially to a gofundme.com page, or a Las Vegas Charity. Or, give to a National Charity that will be able to support the need in the coming days. Give your time. We can’t all fly to Las Vegas and give time volunteering, but there are needs in our own communities. Finally, give your prayers for the needs, comfort, and support of those who are injured, those who have lost loved ones, and those who have lost the comfort of feeling secure in their own hometown. Whatever you do today, Give.
Las Vegas
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