It Only Takes a Spark- Building Wells in Third World Countries
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Have you ever had a dream. Or, heard the need of someone, somewhere in the world and wanted to help? Ryan Hreljac of Canada was 6 when he committed to earning the money to build a water well for someone he had never met in a third world country. He wanted to do it so that they could have access to clean water. It took him a year of hard work and dedication, but he did it. A six-year-old raised enough funds to purchase a well. It only takes a spark.
Skip forward over a decade and little Ryan has started a foundation called Ryan’s Well Foundation and raised over $2 million. He didn’t just fund one well, he has funded over 900 water projects and still counting. More than 850,000 people have had clean water…because a 6 year old was able to dream, and then put in the work to make it a reality.

Water Flowing in Africa
The need is overwhelming
Sometimes, it seems so overwhelming with the cost of our lives today. The cost of what we want or need to do with our money. How will we be able to make a difference? Ryan’s story is the perfect reminder that it only takes an idea and a little passion. A huge change can be brought about in the life of someone who needs it. And there are so many people in need. Over 800 million people do not have access to safe water worldwide. The number seems staggering.

Building Wells, where people need it most!
Once again, as residents of the “First World”, we need to step back and ask evaluate how we can help. There is so much needed worldwide, but we have so many resources to share. And, what is very small to us in the first world, can make a lifetime of difference to a family in the Third World. With that in mind, what is your giving dream? What is the one small step you should begin today to change someone’s life forever? Remember, it only takes a spark.
For more information on ways to help some of the projects I am most passionate about, check out my post on NoKidHungry or my Post on Heifer.Org.