My Spring Bucket List
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Spring Bucket List
I love Spring! And I must say, I do not use the word love lightly. I really truly love Spring and all that it brings with it. The blossoming trees, the budding flowers, and all the cute little baby animals! I love the fresh scent of grass growing after months of winter rain and snow has completed its task. And, I love being able to open windows and breathe in fresh air after being cooped up all winter. With this in mind, I thought it would be a perfect time to share my Spring Bucket List!

My Spring Bucket List
Start a Garden
This Spring I am going to start a Garden! Really, truly, a Garden. I have had some success with gardening, but nowhere close to the level that I have hoped for and have not had a garden in a few years. Many times, the garden has been a complete flop! In the past I have wanted to have a garden for many different reasons. First, we live on an acre so there is really no reason not to have a garden. Second, I have planted gardens because my kids wanted to, and I thought it would be a great way to show them the growing process during homeschooling. Finally, I started gardens because I thought that they would help the kids to have the desire to eat more fresh fruits and veggies.
All these gardens were successful in the short time, but were not long term, year after year successes. This year, my reason for gardening is so completely different. I want to garden for three reasons. First, I am super craving veggies this year. You may have read about our broken refrigerator, but if you did not you can read about it here. For over a month we consumed fast food, frozen meals, and sandwiches. It was not too bad, but it made me so hungry for farm fresh veggies! I want to garden so that I have plenty of access to some of the fruits and veggies we love.
Needing More Fresh Air
Second, I want to plant a garden because I want to meet the goal, I made for myself of getting out in the fresh air more often. Gardening is for the most part an outdoor experience and I want to take time to go out and smell the roses so to speak. And of course, there is the physical activity component of gardening. While out in the nice fresh air, I want to be spending time with my granddaughter and sharing the wonders of gardening with her.
The final, and most driving reason I want to start a garden this year is because I want to have fresh fruits and veggies to share with those who do not have enough. I love the concept of starting a garden with the intent of giving a portion of the crop to those who truly need the benefits of healthy whole food. And it is not just about the health benefits, it is about the heart benefits. I have some dear friends at church that give me wonderful zucchini, tomatoes, and other veggies from their gardens. It lights up my day because it is such a wonderful gesture. Someone worked hard to make those veggies grow and then gave them to me and my family. It truly blesses my heart. I want to bless others in that way, so I am starting a garden. Not an acre, just a little patch in the middle of it.

My Spring Bucket List
Focus on Self Care
As women I think we are really good at taking care of people, and things, and tasks. But, we are not always good at taking care of ourselves. I have been working on this very aspect of my life, because I have not been doing a good enough job of it, and my health is tattling on me to my Doctors and Family. So, this Spring, I am going to continue to focus on a few things that I have been working on, and add a few more in. The Self Care I am going to focus on is simple, but tends to get pushed aside when work, school, or family tasks call my name.
I spent some time thinking about what I really want to do in this area, and there are two main things I am going to be working on. First, I need to up my level of physical activity and exercise. I noticed recently that because I am incredibly efficient in doing housework and cooking (just to toot my own horn), I take way fewer steps than I did a few years ago, and in general stand less. That coupled with a recent knee energy, and I have seriously reduced my physical activity. So, I am going to take the advice of Tom Rath from Eat, Sleep, Move, and up my physical activity level. He recommends 10,000 steps per day.
It’s Charging Now
Well, step one for me is going to charging my Fitbit which has sat in a drawer since my knee injury. I would love to say I am going to shoot for 10,000 steps a day, but truthfully, I am going to start a 1,000. I will continue to increase my steps by 10% until I get to the desired number of 10k. It will take a while, but I will keep tracking it until it becomes a reality. I know that when I move more, I feel better and have more mental clarity available to support my family, church, and job. Tracking with a Fitbit, or another tracker will help me be accountable. It has worked in the past, I know it will work again.

Second, I am going to start doing my nails again. This might sound silly to some, but it really matters to me. I am not a super fancy person but love it when my nails are done. Personally, I enjoy doing a gel manicure on myself at home while watching something on Netflix. That way I get to have nice nails and have a little TV time. Win-Win. Since I fell out of the habit, I must start it up again, so I am scheduling it into my calendar. Literally, I just wrote it in for the rest of the year! I am going to hound myself to keep this time focused on taking care of something that makes me feel good about myself, and I enjoy. If I don’t write it in to my calendar, it will not happen!
Experience Spring
As I mentioned, I love Spring! So, there are a few things I want to do just to celebrate Spring! And, they are simple and easy to add into my calendar.
Visit our local Farmer’s Market Regularly to enjoy the fresh air, add steps to my Fitbit tracker, and support local farmers.
Go on a drive up to the Lake to look at the wildflowers and breathe in all that is Springtime.
Keep a tray of fresh veggies and fruits prepped for easy enjoyment in the fridge.
Watch the blooms around the house, and clip and bring in fresh flowers to brighten up our home.
Plan our Summer Camping Trip.

My Spring Bucket List
That is about it for me! My goal is to stay focused, and truly enjoy the Spring! So, what are the items on your Spring Bucket List? Have you written them down? Made a plan? I find that when I write it down, calendar it in, and share it with someone else, I am much more likely to accomplish them! And remember, take care of yourself! You need to do that first, so you will have the energy to take care of others! So, share your bucket list goals in the comments below!
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