3 Steps to Thankfulness Walking into the bathroom today, I thought to myself, I don’t need the light on, but...
“We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means...
Oreo Truffle Treats I love participating in Bake Sales as it is a great way for organizations to earn money,...
Mother Daughter Road TripIf you know me at all, you know that I love traveling!! You can read about another...
Prime Day 2019 I love shopping on Amazon. In fact, it is my favorite place to shop. That is one...
An Easy Summer Meal to Share Summer is here, and it is time for easy living! Days at the lake,...
My Favorite Family Vacation Ever!!! Scrolling through social media I am sure you are seeing loads of pictures and stories...
10 Inspiring Quotes on Giving I love a good quote! It sticks me and inspires me in the difficult times....
4th of July Snack Munch As you may have noticed, I love all things 4th of July. You can read...
Mammograms, Why we don’t go! I recently went in for my yearly Mammogram, and it really made me think...
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