Prime Day 2019 and Why I Love Amazon
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Prime Day 2019

Amazon Prime Day 2019 and Why I Love Amazon
I love shopping on Amazon. In fact, it is my favorite place to shop. That is one of the reasons that I plan on celebrating Prime Day 2019!!! I must admit that years ago I didn’t really understand what all the buzz was about. But now, I am a true fan! With Prime Day 2019 just around the corner, I wanted to share some of the reasons I love Prime and I use it to make my life so much more easy and affordable. If you are not currently an Amazon shopper, you might wonder why I love shopping Amazon, so here is my top 5 list of Why I love Shopping through Amazon.
Shopping Anytime, Day or Night
I am a very busy woman. I blog full time, have a family and grandchildren, and am very involved in my church. I love that I can save time and money by shopping on Amazon any time of day or night. Recently my daughter Tori was heading out for a Mission Trip to Romania. We were so busy with various details and plans, as well as regular life, that we needed to save as much time as possible. In a few short 10-minute shopping trips through Amazon, we were able to secure all of the needed items, without having to go to several stores and malls to find the right items. It was a huge time saver, and it was great to be able to shop at midnight if need be.
Shop From Anywhere, on Almost Any Device
I love having the luxury of shopping anywhere or nowhere. I can shop from home, but I can also shop from an airplane, campground, or car. Wherever I am, I can purchase a needed item and know that within a day or two it will arrive at my house. I save so much time and energy not driving all over town to purchase items.
I Love the Amazon Smiley Face Logo, and All of the Cardboard Boxes
Now, this might seem a little silly, but I really love the Amazon smile on the side of the box. I love how happy it looks, and that the motion of the smiley arrow reminds me how quickly items arrive. Once we receive the boxes, we either recycle them, use them to store other items or take things to the thrift store, or my grandchildren’s favorite use them! For the smaller boxes, my 5-year-old granddaughter loves to make little habitats for her stuffed animals. Recently she made a home for a Lama, a Science Laboratory, and with the help of her Daddy, a cool rocket ship.
This last weekend we brought out the summer inflatable pool and were setting it up. I loved that both of the little girls ended up bringing a bevy of scarves out into an Amazon box and played for quite a long time in the box. They had a great time. A few weeks ago, I sent someone to put a box for recycling and my granddaughter objected. She said, “But Nana, it still has so many possibilities”. Lol. I do love the Amazon smile on the side of the box, but I also love the smiles that shopping through Amazon brings to my home.

Amazon Boxes
I Love Comparison Shopping on Amazon
As I mentioned before we were recently shopping for my daughters’ trip to Romania. It was great to be able to comparison shop on Amazon to get the most affordable priced, and free Prime shipping. I also love that so many of the projects have been rated, and customers much like myself have written recommendations on the products. When I am shopping for a specific item, but what to find the best deal I place a bunch of items in my cart. Then once it is all in the cart, I sift through and delete the items I am not really wanting, and purchase those that totally fit my needs.
I Use Prime To Ship Gifts Everywhere!
I think my all-time favorite part of shopping with Amazon Prime is that I can ship my purchases anywhere. What I do is keep all my family members Names and Addresses stored in our Amazon account. When I am shopping for a birthday gift for a family member across the country, I can simply ship it through Amazon. Because I keep all the addresses stored in my Amazon account, I don’t ever have to look them up, and I don’t have to take the time to go and ship the gifts.
And of course, my favorite addresses on Amazon are Birthday and Christmas. I have a shipping address for Christmas Morrison, and for Birthday Morrison. When I am shopping for a specific birthday or Christmas, I ship the gifts to my address with that as the name. Since we use Amazon Pantry and Subscribe and Save, we receive most of our household goods from Amazon hassle free. So I ship items that should not be opened either to Christmas or Birthday Morrison and everyone knows to put them in a pile in my room unopened. I then wait to open the mountain of boxes until I am ready to wrap. I love it!

Amazon Prime Day 2019 and Why I Love Amazon
What is Prime Day?
So, what is Prime Day you may ask? Prime Day is like the Black Friday Sales Celebration of July. It is how Amazon celebrates its Birthday! This year Prime Day is actually a two-day celebration of Amazon, their amazing deals, products, and subscriptions. Prime Day is a great time to look for Back to School, Home, Kitchen, Electronic and other discounted deals. If you are a budget conscious shopper like I am, it is a great time to start your Christmas shopping, and pack away a few great deals.
When is Prime Day?
This year Prime Day will begin at 12a.m. PST (3a.m. EST) on July 15th, 2019. And it will run through 11:59pm on July 16th. Although some of the deals run the entire time, some deals will sell out. So if you have your eye on something specific, it is best to jump in as soon as possible.
“We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”
Prime Membership Required
Take Advantage of the 30-Day Prime Trial by checking out the link on my Amazon Influence Page here.
With Prime Day you can look for deals in advance, or you can simply show up on July 15th with your Prime Membership ready to go, and start shopping!
As you can see, I am like so many others, I truly love and utilize Prime Membership. I know that you will find it valuable as well. With that in mind, what is on your Prime Day wish list?
If you are looking for great stories, below are a few links to posts I have written about some of my favorite books. I purchased all of these books, and so many more on Amazon using free Prime shipping. You can find out more information about Amazon Prime through the link on my Influencer Page here.
2 Great Books that will change your life.
Why Families Need the 5 Love Languages
My Well Worn Copy of “Kisses from Katie”
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