Shopping to Save the Ocean
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Shopping to Save the Ocean
I love to shop. Really, it is a very enjoyable activity. I love to open a web page and see all of the possibilities. My mind always opens the draft of my ever-present Christmas List. We have a very large family. With that, I always have a draft in my mind of the perfect present for each person on my list. I also love shopping online. Shopping online gives me time to look over the product information, and see multiple views and pictures of the product. In addition, I can view information about the company that produced the item.

Online Shopping
Shopping with Companies that Make a Difference
For quite some time now I have been giving preference to companies and products that improve the life of my gift recipient in some way and improve the world. I love to shop at companies that give back to their employees, community, and the world in general. Companies that are working to clean the ocean, bring business skills to women in third world companies, and give a pair of shoes for every pair purchased to someone in need get my business.
My daughter Victoria recently flew out for a visit and shared a list of amazing companies that are doing great work to make the world a better place. I, of course, am excited both that my daughter also looks to buy products from companies that are making a difference. And, I was excited to have a great new list of websites to look through and participate with.

Shopping to Save the Ocean
Throughout this post, I have included both the website address of the companies making these amazing products and the Amazon link so that you can easily shop through Amazon. “I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”
The story of 4Ocean began when two surfers went on a surfing trip to Bali. As they walked the beach, they noticed local, small operation fishermen pushing their boats through piles of ocean plastic. This scene turned a usual day of surfing into a mission to clean up the ocean.
Each bracelet sold by 4Ocean is made of recycled materials, and a portion of the purchase price funds the removal of 1 pound of plastic from the ocean. Their website has a counter showing how much plastic the company has funded being removed from the ocean. Currently, the counter is well over 900,000 pounds of plastic removed. It is pretty awesome to sit and watch the counter grow and know that with your purchase of one bracelet, another pound of plastic will be removed.

Shopping to Save the Ocean
I also think it is a great product because it is so visible to the wearer and those around them. Every time you look at the bracelet it is a reminder to reuse a glass container, instead of a disposable plastic bottle. Or, to skip the plastic straw in exchange for a reusable straw.
Sand Cloud
The next company is Sand Cloud. They have a variety of clothing and jewelry. The product that I have fallen in love with is the Sand Cloud Towel. They are simply stunning. I love the look, and as I am a fan of lightweight beach towels, they had me at hello!
Sand Cloud donates 10 percent of all profits to a group of organizations that are working to preserve coastlines, clean up the ocean, and take care of sea life. If you are like me, you see news often of the compromised state of our oceans and beaches. And with that news, you feel helpless to do anything. A great way to help is by purchasing products from like-minded companies that donate to organizations that are solving the challenge. is a company that is working to fund the saving of endangered Sea Turtles. At the site I learned that 6 of the 7 types of sea turtles in the world are now endangered. The “About us” page on shared solid information on the challenge that the ocean is facing. I also learned that the company is using 10 percent of the profits of its jewelry to help fund the Sea Turtle Conservancy which is working to “ restoring the nesting habitat of sea turtles and maximizing the survival rate of hatchlings throughout the Caribbean.”

Sea Turtles
The products are packaged thoughtfully of primarily recycled materials with care and concern for the environment.
Their jewelry is wonderfully delicate looking while making an impact. I love wearing jewelry that starts a positive conversation that can help change the world. I believe wearing the jewelry will do just that! But, I was not able to find their designs on Amazon. So, I found some delightful children’s books about sea turtles and I have included the links at the bottom of this post.

Shopping to Save the Ocean
So, whether you are starting your Christmas shopping early, or just working to save the ocean by thoughtfully purchasing products, I hope you have found some good choices here. To make a difference it will take everyone working together. I have always said, let’s use our Time, Talents, and Money to make the world a better place. I believe this is a good start.
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