Summer Giving Opportunities
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Summer is in full swing!!! Our family is enjoying days at the lake, afternoons running through the sprinklers, and weekends of travel. I hope your family is enjoying these days as well! As summer progresses, I am always reminded of the many Summer Giving opportunities that are able to make a huge impact on those in need.

Summer Giving Opportunities
Summer Giving Opportunities
One of my favorite charities does great work during the summer months to ensure kids have access to summer meals. Visiting I learned that “only 18% of kids who qualify for free school meals are getting free summer meals”. To me, that means that there are a lot of hungry children in the summer. And it should not be that way. You can contribute to NoKidHungry.Org, or you can look for local programs to donate to.

Summer Meals are so important to kids.
Check Out Your Own Neighborhood
Another way to help hungry kids in the summer is to look around the neighborhood. With 1 in 6 children facing childhood hunger, most neighborhoods would have a family or two who are in need. It is great to offer a neighborhood meal for kids once a week. Make an easy meal of PB&J, fruit, veggies, and plenty of water! Many grocery stores throw out imperfect fruits and vegetables and are willing to give them to those who will use them to feed the hungry.
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Summer Camp Scholarships
Another great way to make an impact on a young life is to pay into a summer camp scholarship fund. Summer Camp is a great way for kids to get involved, learn new skills, make friends, and stay active. But, for many families, the cost of summer camp, and summer day camps is far too much. Most churches and social programs have a fund specifically to help cover the cost or reduce the cost of summer camp for children in need. Even if you can’t cover the total cost of camp for one child, you can donate, and mixed with other’s donations, children will be able to attend camp.

Summer Camp
Another great way to give during the summer is to donate your time to serve at a summer camp or VBS. Look over your talents and skills and figure out how you could help at the camp. Often camps and day camps need help with cooking and kitchen duties, first aide or camp nurse, as well as running the athletic portions of the day. Many camps also need sets built and painted, counselors to lead singing, or art and crafts. It can be a great way to help out the community and use your skills.

Summer Giving Opportunities
Cold Water For The Homeless
If you are looking for something that is simple, does not take very long, and does not cost much money, how about handing out cool water to the homeless? We often think of the homeless in the winter months when the weather turns cold, but there are still many needs for the homeless in summer. Buy a 24 pack of water bottles, chill them, and hand them out to people in the park adding a kind word. Or, hand out care packages including socks, sunscreen, and a bar of soap.

Cold Bottled Water
Cooling Towels
Another great way to help the homeless is to give out cooling towels. Now this is a little more expensive than a cold bottle of water, but it makes a huge difference. We purchased a cooling towel for my daughter when she was traveling to Romania to help at an orphanage. The suggestion was made, but I had not idea how amazing cooling towels are. They hold cool temperatures by retaining the coolness of water. And actually in winter they can be used to add heat.

Summer Giving Opportunities
Back To School Donations
Summer is a great time to think about helping get kids ready for back to school. I think it is a great time to go through closets and donate clothing, in good condition, that your kids have grown out of to the food bank, or local thrift stores. This helps a good supply of clothes to be available when parents get ready to start back- to- school shopping. Gently used backpacks, school supplies, and coats are always useful as well. You can read more about school supplies, and the Giving Back Program, in my Post Here.
Another great idea is to plan a family getaway that includes volunteering. You can read more in my post Voluntourism here. There are many opportunities for families, couples, or singles to help those in need while seeing the world. It is truly a win-win situation.

Summer Giving Opportunities
Whatever you plan to do, do something. There is so much need in the world, and often we can make a huge impact on the life of someone in need by doing the smallest of things. If we all work together to use our Time, Talents, and Money to make the world a better place we can make a difference.
What are your favorite ideas for helping in the summer? Share in the comments below.
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