This Thanksgiving, Give your Talents and Time.
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This Thanksgiving, Give your Talents and Time

This Thanksgiving Share Your Time and Talents
Have you ever lived through one of those seasons where you just felt a little overwhelmed. I have, in fact I recently lived through a season of overwhelm. And I was primarily overwhelmed because I needed just a little extra help.
I know how to do many things. The list is seriously long, and I am fairly accomplished at many things. But, simple mechanics are sadly not on that list. I can cook almost anything you want to eat, evaluate pretty much any business problem wisely, sing a song, sew a costume, build a wall….but I don’t know how to change the light bulb in my car headlamp. Okay yes, I could probably learn how, but up to this point, I have not.
As a single mom…
As a single mom having my car fixed and even simple repairs have been a concern over the years, so have plumbing work, electrical repairs, and any house repair that entry into the attic is required. I just don’t want to go there.
Thankfully, my two sons have grown up, reading books, gleaning tips from repairmen, and from people who come over to help. Truthfully, all 4 of my children are very amazing if I do say so myself. My sons do simple plumbing, electrical, carpentry, flooring, and mechanics.
My daughters can paint anything (walls and canvas), fix the vacuum 20 times over, remodel a room, and apply makeup in such a way that you feel 20 years younger and much more beautiful than you did before the application, and research a topic in no time flat!
Okay, enough about my children, but I am sure your mother has a similar list about your talents. We all have something that we can do that someone else cannot. We have a gift in some area, where someone else has lost hope.
What if we don’t have any money to give to charity?
So again, we are at the “What if I don’t have any money to give to charity time of the month”. Maybe you are in a place in life where that is the entire month. Or, maybe, you are at a place in life where your budget just seems difficult and giving money is a stretch. Or, maybe you give money, but never thought of giving your talents. Well, now is the time to think about it.

Give Your Time and Talents
Sit down, with a cup of coffee, and write out a list of all the things you can do better than most people. Or at least things you are pretty competent in. It could be raking leaves, baking a pie, driving someone to the doctor, or teaching someone how to do their make-up. Maybe it is fixing a child’s bicycle, helping a food bank figure out how to optimize their operation, or teaching someone how to use their Smartphone.
In less time that it took to make dinner…
Yesterday, my sons put a new bulb in the headlight of my vehicle. After having a major car repair that set me back a bit, I headed home. I was shocked when I realized my headlamp was out, and I wanted to cry. Changing is not something that I personally know how to do, but my sons do.
In less time than it took me to cook dinner, they installed the headlamp, tested it, and were back at the table hungrily awaiting the arrival of dinner on their plates. My heart was filled with joy and relief, and yes, I added extra love into dinner that night.
You might not have money to give this week, but you do have talent. As Thanksgiving approaches, listen to those around you, look for opportunities, and help someone out. They will be ever so thankful that you did. And you will feel awesome!
For more ideas on giving back, check out 20 Easy Ways to Give Back and 30 Random Acts of Kindness for more inspiration!
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