The Heart of Christmas
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The True Heart of Christmas

The Heart of Christmas
I truly love Christmas!!! The lights, the music, the fun, and the wonderful hope that I see in the eyes of children everywhere I go. I have shared with you about the Best Christmas Ever…..and about a Christmas that didn’t work out so well, but was still an awesome memory…. But I have not yet shared with you the most important thing about Christmas. So, I thought I would take a moment, before the season gets too busy, and share the Heart of Christmas with you because it matters so much to me.
Where it all began…
A lot of the time when people are sharing about the Heart of Christmas, they start 2,000 years ago. And that is where the Christmas Story is nestled in history, but truly the story starts at the beginning of time. I always like to think about the story of the creation of the world, and most importantly, Adam and Eve. That is when God created people, and of course, that means He wanted relationships with people. People just like you and me. Because God is all knowing and is not limited to time or space, when He created Adam and Eve, He was creating the whole human race, which would someday include you and me. Cool right? So technically, that is where the story of you and me began as well.
Flash Forward 2,000 Years ago…
Okay, now we can flash forward to around 2,000 years ago. I am sure you have heard the story of Mary and Joseph traveling because of a census and realizing that they would need a place to stop for the night, sadly, finding no room at the Inn. Of course, it was a little different back then, as you could not use GPS to take you to your Airbnb and then log in online for Grub Hub to deliver your dinner. Because, like Mary and Joseph, everyone had gone to Bethlehem, so there was no place for them to stay. And, they ended up staying in a Barn. Not exactly 5-star accommodations for the little coming King.
This Story is the Starting Point
It is easy to read and see this magical story as it is told all over through books and movies and, of course, repeated in Christmas Carols. But sometimes, when we see or hear something too many times, it loses its magic, or we stop paying full attention. The story of Jesus being born in a manger is only the beginning of the story. It is the starting point, the background for the story of Jesus’s life on earth, but more importantly His death on the cross. It is great to remember the baby in the manger, but so much more important to know the Savior that He came to be.
I know that sometimes it is difficult to bring up matters of personal faith, as our world has so many rules. My granddaughter asked me recently if it is okay to talk about death and surgery, and the President, and Church at the Dinner Table, if company is over. She is only 4. It really made me think about how we can work so hard to follow the rules that we forget to share our hearts. I am sorry in advance if this part of my post offends anyone. It is not my intention, but it is my heart and my faith. I hope you will read on and see my heart, and that I will have the opportunity to read about your heart and faith as well.

The Heart of Christmas
Why It Means So Much To Me
The Heart of Christmas means so much to me because I truly believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to save me from my sins. I believe He came to save us all, but when I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus, I was just thinking about myself. I believe he died on the Cross, rose from the grave on the third day, went up into Heaven and now sits at God, the Father’s right hand. It’s cool, and the stuff adventure movies are made of, but I believe with every part of my being that it is true.
Why do I believe it is true you might ask? Because I know who I was before Jesus came into my heart, and I know who I am now. Before, I was selfish, self-centered, afraid, angry, hopeless, and in general not a very nice person. I felt desperate all the time and felt completely alone. When Jesus came into my heart everything changed. My heart was light, I was forgiven, and was empowered to be a more focused person, who gave of my time, talents, and money to make the world around me a better place. And, I was no longer alone. It was strange at first that I now belonged to Jesus, my life was no longer my own, but at the same time, I felt free! Free of the past, free from pride, free from desperation and loneliness.
You Might Be Thinking…
You might be thinking, Okay Jennifer, this is “over the top” religious. It is not though, because it is not about religion, it is about a relationship. My relationship with Jesus. A very dear relationship that gets me through life in an awesome, amazing, adventuring sort of way. Or, you might be thinking, I totally get what you are saying Jennifer! I have been there, done that, and now I, too, have my heart held by Jesus.
Of course, you might be saying, Jennifer, this is freaking me out, but I think I need what you have. Peace. If that is the case, then I am so glad to share how easy it is to ask Jesus into your heart. First, you just must admit that you have done wrong things in your life. This does not mean writing a list of every bad thing you ever did but just acknowledging that you are broken and need Jesus. Second, ask Jesus to forgive you for the things that you have done wrong. It is easy, you don’t need a flowery old-fashioned prayer or fancy words. Just be you! He created you, knows your heart, and would love to talk to the real you.
Finally, Ask Him To Come Into Your Heart
Finally, ask Him to come into your heart, clean out the old junk that we have each carried inside, and to wash you clean and make you new. And He will do it. Right then and there, Jesus will come into your heart. You probably won’t see an angelic choir singing, or fireworks going off. But you will know. When I am talking with some people, and they want to take this step, I lead them through this simple prayer, which you are more than welcome to copy.
“Jesus, I acknowledge that I have done wrong things in the past and I want to be free from them. Please forgive me for the things I have done. Come into my heart today. Wash me clean from my past. Make me new. Speak to my heart and live inside of me. And Thank You for your work on the cross to save me!”
The Coolest Part!
The cool thing is, that even if you had been the only person that ever was going to do something wrong in all of time, Jesus would have come to save you! You are truly that important to the God of all the universe. Just let that sink in!

The Heart of Christmas
Now you know what I believe to be the true Heart of Christmas. Whether you are reading this for the first time or learned about the Heart of Christmas long ago, know that this is a season where people need to know that they have value, that they are loved, and that their being on Earth matters. Take some time to invite someone over for Hot Chocolate or take your neighbor a holiday bread. Drive around Christmas Caroling, or pay for the car behind you in line at the coffee shop. Do festive and fun things. Let the stress pass by you and share the Heart of Christmas with those who need it most. And most of all, have a very Merry Christmas!
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