3 Ways to Give When Money is Tight
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Do you ever have more month than money? It happens to about ½ of us each month! Often when that occurs the first thing to go is not visits to the coffee shop, or the weekend movie, but giving. It is easy to say, “I will make up for it next month”, but next month never comes. Giving though is a frame of mind, a lens that you view the world through, and a commitment you make to yourself and the people and world around you. With this in mind, here are 3 ways to give, when money is tight.
1) Volunteer!
Many organizations (churches, food banks, pet shelters) are looking for quality people to fill a few hours of their weekly schedule. You could use a skill that you already have in your work life. For instance, maybe you are an accountant or a financial advisor? Help a small non- profit with bookkeeping. Or, maybe you are an artist? You could work with a non-profit or school to help kids paint a mural or give free art lessons. If you have a hobby that you love, you could use it bless those in need. Just think, your baked goods blessing the visitors at a soup kitchen, or your beautiful musical talent blessing those at a retirement home. Basically Time.
2) Mentor Someone In Need!
There are many programs specifically set up to match Mentors and Protégés in the work world, internships, and High

Giving Image
School Programs. In this case, I am more specifically talking about truly mentoring someone. Taking a skill you have, and giving it to someone else to carry on. Are you an amazing meal planner? Many people are not. You could give the gift of teaching someone to plan meals. This would help their stress level, shopping habits, and finances. What a gift! Or maybe you are awesome at basic car care? You could teach someone else how to save loads of $$ over their lifetime with simple car care! Basically Skill. You can click on this link to find Mentoring Opportunities in your local community.

3 Ways to give when money is tight.
3) Donate something of value to a worthy non-profit Thrift Store!
Thrift stores support hospital auxiliaries, missions, shelters, feeding programs…the list goes on and on. It is often easy to give away the old book we used to learn algebra in college or the towels that are no longer soft. It is a little harder to give away a valuable such as an extra TV, antique knick-knack, or name brand clothes with a lot of wear left. But these are the items that will bring in a lot of $$ to help charities do what they do…Give! The truth is, once you give something away, you will no longer have it. Simple. But, someone else will use it for a greater good, and, you will no longer have to dust it!
And if you are looking for more ideas, Check Out this post on 30 Random Acts of Kindness here, and on how you can Be a Hero and Donate Blood here.
Think about what you can give this month, put it on the calendar, do it then sit back feeling good that you took the time to give. What ideas do you have for giving when money is lean?
“I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.”
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3 Ways to Give When Money is Tight
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